November 2019 Minutes

 Ingoldmells Parish Council


Minutes of the parish council meeting held in the council chamber on Monday 11 November 2019


The Vice Chairperson welcomed all present and informed them that the meeting would be recorded and would include the public session.


The Chairman reminded all present of the procedure for evacuating the building in the event of an emergency and on the use of mobile phones. He also reminded the public that they were not permitted to voice a view or speak when Council went into session and that the standards of the Council Constitution would be followed.


Public session


Members of the public present: 6


Items discussed were: Mr Eddie Gasson gave his thanks to all Councillors, the Clerk and their partners who attended the remembrance service at the church on Sunday 10th November and those who also attended the church to pay their respects today. Mr Gasson also thanked the Ingoldmells Community Management group for the wonderful work did in making and presenting the poppy tributes in St Peter and Paul church. Mr Kevin Brinkley brought to the attention of the council the car vehicle congestion outside the school and the lack of enforcement. Matters also discussed were the ongoing issue of obstructive parking on Sea Lane. Cllr L Hemingway also expressed the concerns of a resident with visual impairment who was alarmed by a car mounting the pavement next to her. This led to verbal communication between her and a passenger in the car. The incident will be reported to the District & County Councillor to further evidence to support an enforcement team at Ingoldmells.

There being no other matters raised the Council went into formal session.



Councillors Mrs A Wormald (Vice Chairwoman), M Holyer, L Hemingway, S Chambers, J Sargent, T Stubbins, S Chamberlain, B Bellis


1. Apologies


Cllrs B Vincent (Chairman),Mrs J Ellis, S Walmsley, Cllr C Davie, District and County Council representative for the Parish


2. Conflicts of interests


None declared


3. To confirm the minutes of the council meeting held on the 14th October 2019


Cllr J Sargent asked for some background information relating to item 14 on the agenda. Explanation was provided to Cllr Sargent regarding a malicious and fabricated article provided to the Skegness Standard. The article claimed that the Parish Council did not allow a gentleman wheelchair user entry to the Royal Arthur Community Hall. The reporter of the story telephoned Cllr B Vincent to ask for his view. Cllr Vincent then asked who had provided the story he was told by the reporter that it was Cllr S Walmsley. Following publication of the article the Clerk issued a right of reply to the newspaper. When mentioned at the Council meeting that she had done this Cllr Walmsley said that he already knew this as the reporter had contacted him with the right of reply. Cllr M Holyer asked if the re varnishing of the floor in the Royal Arthur Community Hall was going ahead, which was confirmed by the Clerk. Cllr L Hemingway expressed how disappointed he was that the details of the Clerks probationary meeting with Councillors which was held in private was recorded and then published on Facebook by a Councillor. This was brought to the Council’s knowledge by a Cllr A Stubbins who had witnessed the recording happening and then heard it on the social media page. Cllr Stubbins said that this was ‘not right’ and he ‘did not agree with it’. The Councillor who is noted as doing this did not attend the meeting. The Clerk was asked to ensure that the principles of the Code of Conduct are an agenda item at the December meeting. The minutes were confirmed by Cllr M Holyer and seconded by Cllr S Chambers. All approved with the exception of Cllr J Sargent and Cllr B Bellis.


4. To approve a list of accounts submitted for consideration


Cllr S Chambers proposed that the accounts be confirmed. Cllr J Sargent seconded the proposition - resolved unanimously


5. To confirm the minutes of the finance committee meeting held on the 21st october 2019


Cllr L Hemingway proposed that the minutes be confirmed. Cllr M Holyer seconded the proposition – resolved unanimously


6. To confirm the minutes of the finance committee meeting held on the 21st october 2019


As Cllr S Walmsley was absent from the meeting progress could not be made on whether Stagecoach had been approached with a request to sponsor the chain of office. Cllr M Holyer shall broach the subject again with Mr Barron, the General Manager at Butlins. Item 5 was discussed with a view that estimates should be acquired to determine the cost to plant up and maintain the flower tubs and rail baskets in the village. The Clerk shall ask if the Lincolnshire Coastal bid would


consider assistance again for next year. When approached the Clerk shall also put forward a request to support mini meadows through the grant.


Cllr L Hemingway proposed that the minutes be confirmed. Cllr M Holyer seconded the proposition – resolved unanimously with the exception of Cllr J Sargent.


7 to consider any health & safety matters


The Clerk has received further complaints regarding dog poo bags left on the beach and promenade. The Community Warden regularly updates the Clerk with photographs and communication on the situation. Both the Clerk and Community Warden have forwarded their photographs and complaints to officers at ELDC asking for response and action where possible. Cllr S Chamberlain raised his concern over the lack of missing railings on the sea defences. Cllr S Chamberlain also reported that no lights are provided on the promenade which could result in an accident. The Clerk reported that she had already made contact with the Coastal Environmental Agency regarding this matter and was expecting a response shortly. Concern was raised over the fact that the church railings had not yet been replaced and that a piece of metal was protruding which if not removed could be the source of an injury. The Clerk shall contact St Matthews Parish office and ask that they arrange for the removal of the broken railing.


8. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals or amendments


An e mail communication was received by the Clerk from the Chief Planning Officer at ELDC regarding the proposed removal of three telephone boxes at Ingoldmells.

This time sensitive 90 Day Consultation period from BT has an end date of the 23 January 2020. Notifications have been posted to the telephone boxes and the Clerk shall place the notifications on the Parish noticeboards. Councillors present agreed to notify residents at various groups and activities they attend.


9 To consider any new planning applications


None received


10. To discuss the setting of the 2020/2021 budget


Discussion took place with regards to the budget setting process for 2020/2021. The Clerk asked Councillors to start thinking of essential project areas. Those mentioned at the meeting were: the painting and guild of the Ingoldmells village signs, planting and maintenance of the flower tubs and baskets, purchase and installation of a new flag pole, maintenance of the bus shelters, installation of electric charging points in the car park. These are already identified project areas with others to be discussed at the December council meeting.


11. To receive verbal reports from the chairman and clerk


The Clerk reported the following:

• Notification that railings are missing off the sea defences has been reported to the Environment Protection team at ELDC. There is a 10 day response time. Follow up information will be brought to the December meeting.

• The Community Warden has reported a considerable amount of dog waste bags abandoned on the beach and promenade. Photographic evidence has been e mailed to ELDC. The Community Warden has also been monitoring the report of a car repair business taking place at Herlyn Crescent of which to date there is no evidence.

• The latest update on the repair of the car park machines is a completion date in the week beginning 2nd December.

• Motor Caravanners have booked an extra day for their New Year booking.

• Notification has been received from East Lindsey Drainage board that the dyke running along the back of the car park shall be removed of rubbish before Christmas.

• It was reported that the safety railings outside of Fantasy Island are in need of maintenance as the black paint is wearing off. The Clerk spoke to the Senior Manager at Fantasy Island to determine if the maintenance team would be prepared to take on the task. .The spokesman unfortunately declined and stated that the railings are a highways matter and that their insurance indemnity would not allow it.

• Confirmation was received by the Clerk that the varnishing of the floor in the Royal Arthur Community centre shall go ahead on the week beginning 16th December.


12. To discuss community matters which need referring to the district/county council representative for a response


Cllr C Davie, District and County Council representative for the Parish was not able to attend the meeting as he is taking part in a trade mission in China.


13. To transact any other business


None received


14. To dispose of any correspondence received


• BT - time sensitive 90 day consultation documents

• Notification of planned highways works – e mailed

• LALC Weekly News Update

• Information on Precepts 2020/21 timeline


The meeting of the Council closed at 8.35 pm

This meeting was not recorded due to a fault with the machine.


Date of the next Meeting of the Council – Monday 9th December 2019 at 7.15pm


Chairman of the Council..………


Clerk to the Council and RFO ……


9th December 2019