


Opening hours:

Monday              10.00 am to 12 Noon

Tuesday             10.00 am to 12 Noon

Wednesday        10.00 am to 12 Noon

Thursday            10.00 am to 12 Noon

Saturday             Closed until further notice owing to a volunteer shortfall


What will you discover?

Our volunteer staff can help you find the information and advice you need through our large and diverse collection of books, leaflets and online resources and services.

Who can join?  Anyone at any age can join the Community Library and it’s FREE and EASY!  As well as being able to borrow books for FREE you can…

· Use computers for FREE to access the internet

· Take part in FREE computer taster sessions

· Log onto subscription websites such as Ancestry, Find My Past and Britannica for FREE

· Access a wide range of FREE online resources including e-audiobooks, e-books and digital magazines

· Browse the Lincolnshire County Councils full book catalogue at the Community library or from the comfort of your own home


 The “new look” Community Library opened its doors on the 11 January 2016, however, on the 22 March 2016 Margaret Dickinson, local author and “The Sunday Times Top Ten Bestselling Author “ will officially open the Library at 10.00am and will be available until 12 noon for a  book signing of her latest novel “ The Buffer Girls”.

During the year the library intends to offer lots of events and activities for all ages and these will include….

· FREE Storytime sessions for babies, young children and families

· Young Peoples Book Award and the Summer Reading Challenge for children

· Reading Group sessions and services

· Hire the latest film on DVD and books on CD


 Hope you will join us! It is an amazing service and yes it is FREE!

 If you would like to become a volunteer, please contact the Parish Council Office on 01754 873394