15 April 2019

Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on Monday 15th April 2019


Present: Cllrs B Vincent (Chairman), Mrs J Hardy (Vice Chair), M Holyer, L Hemingway, Mrs P Chapman, Mrs J Ellis, J Orgine, Mrs A Wormald, J Sargent and Mrs D Allen

Members of the Public: None


Item 1 - Apologies: Cllr E Gasson


Item 2 - Conflicts of Interest: None declared


Item 3 – To receive the quarterly update on income and expenditure – January to March 2019 – Cllr Mrs Hardy proposed that the updates be approved, seconded by Cllr J Sargent – Resolved Unanimously


Item 4 – To consider how unspent monies under Section 106 Agreement can be used to benefit the community.

The Clerk informed the meeting that the District Council has £3,780 of banked Section 106 Agreement money to be released. Although there is no guarantee that another payment will be made, a further £3,780 would be due again in October. Cllr Mrs Hardy confirmed that Section 106 payments would continue through her family business and there is no intention to cease these payments.


Item 5 – To consider quotations received for lighting to the driveway on Glebe Park

Both quotations were agreed within the proposal. The successful quotations are from local contractors who have previously provided reliable support to the Council. The Clerk had requested further quotes from contractors within the area but unfortunately these had not been provided.

Cllr Mrs Allen proposed that the £3,780 banked under the 106 agreement should be allocated towards providing the lighting to the driveway on Glebe Park. She also proposed that the deficit be found within this year’s financial budgets. Cllr Hemmingway seconded the proposition - Resolved Unanimously


Item 6 – To transact any other Finance business

Cllr Mrs Ellis took again the opportunity to raise the desire for a Children’s skate park at Queen Elizabeth playing fields. This was an item which had previously been discussed on a number of occasions by members with a resolution being passed that it would not be discussed again until a suitable plan was in place. Attempts to bring a suitable business plan to the table by the Community Youth Projects group had failed on a number of occasions. As the group had now disbanded on the advice of Cllr Mrs Ellis she was asked if she would consider leading on this task. Cllr Mrs Ellis declined the offer to lead on such a project owing to her personal time constraints.

Cllr Mrs Hardy suggested that when and if a plan for an appropriate Skate Park comes to fruition, the Tesco community scheme should be considered as a source of funding as well as Tritton Knoll.


Item 7 – To confirm the date for the next Investment Portfolio Meeting

The meeting will take place on Thursday 18th April at 10am in the Civic Room, Council Offices


Item 8 – To confirm a date for the next meeting of the Finance Committee

All meeting dates will be agreed following the approval by Council on the 13th May.


The meeting closed at 7.50pm.