18 October 2021

Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on Monday 18th October 2021

Present: Cllrs B Vincent (Chairman), Cllr S Chamberlain (Vice Chairman), M Holyer, L Hemingway, A Stubbins, Cllr’s Mrs J Ellis, Mrs A Wormald

Members of the Public: 0

Item 1 - Apologies:  Cllr S Chambers, J Sargent, S Walmsley. G Clements (apology not received)

Item 2 - Conflicts of Interest: None received

Item 3 – To receive the quarterly update on income and expenditure July to September

Cllr Holyer proposed that the updates be approved which was seconded by Cllr Hemingway – Resolved Unanimously Matters arising: Cllr Vincent proposed that the lights in Glebe Park are switched back on between the hours of dusk and midnight. This will enable the safe passage of users of the Community Social Club. Cllr Chamberlain seconded the proposal. All present were in favour. Cllr Chamberlain spoke of the increased costs of the Council’s insurance this year, the Clerk informed Committee members that she was not offered a cheaper quotation on request. Global economic factors as a result of the pandemic along with the number of times the Council has claimed over the past few years has increased the insurance cost to the Council.

Item 4 – To update members not in attendance at the Investment Review meeting of the advice and guidance provided by Money Minders

Cllr Mrs Ellis and the Clerk provided a verbal summary of the advice and guidance received from Ray Black of Money Minders. The Clerk also read a statement from Cllr Sargent who was not in attendance at the meeting.

Item 5 – To preliminary discuss how to spend the allocated £10,000 awarded to Ingoldmells from the Welcome Back to the High Street Funding

A lengthy discussion took place with regards to how the money would be beneficial to the community. The Clerk has been informed that the funding cannot be used for play equipment in the parks. Members discussed the following items that the funding could be used for: Rubbish bins it was agreed that more rubbish bins are required and in particular possibly novelty bins to attract children to dispose of waste.  Further seating has been identified as a need, especially outside of the shopping parade at the top of Sea Lane. Illuminations were well received, for both the Christmas and holiday season. These could be placed on Sea Lane and around the centre of the village. Information boards were an item thought by members to be beneficial to both tourists and locals: for example a map of Ingoldmells, information regarding the 1953 Coastal floods. The Clerk read to members present a comment from Cllr Sargent where he requested that the Council consider a second defibrillator for Swifts Football Club.

Item 6 – To consider projects for the 2022/2023 budget setting process

A flourishing conversation ensued whereby members discussed the following identified project areas:

  1. The continuing upkeep and maintenance of the car park
  2. The maintenance of the small copse circular area in Glebe park. To replace the broken fence and determine if it would be a suitable area to sow wild meadow seeds.
  3. Would a viable option to have a hard tarmac area for an ice cream van to be in situ for the tourist season?
  4. The removal and replacement of the parish noticeboard in Sea Lane


Item 7- To transact any other financial business

No other financial business reported

Item 8 – To confirm a date for the next meeting of the Finance Committee

The meeting shall take place on Monday 17th January 2022 at 7pm

The meeting closed at 8pm.

Signed: ………………………………… Chairman 

Signed: ………………………… Clerk and RFO