20 January 2021

Minutes of the General Purposes Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 20th January 2021

Present: Cllrs B Vincent (Chairman), Cllr Mrs A Wormald (Vice Chairperson), M Holyer, L Hemingway, J Sargent, S Walmsley, S Chamberlain, A Stubbins, S Chambers

Members of the Public:  2

Item 1 - Apologies:  Cllr S Walmsley informed those present that Cllr Mrs J Ellis would not be in attendance at the meeting.

Item 2 - Conflicts of Interest: None received

Item 3 – To discuss if a Community Officer is required for the Parish

An in depth discussion took place which centred on the tasks that the former Community Warden had been involved in to support the community and those extra duties a Community Officer could be employed for. Discussion had previously taken place in the finance committee meeting regarding the 2021/2022 budget and it was decided to not proceed with the matter at this point in time.  Cllrs present suggested that they would report any fly tipping or dog fouling directly to the Clerk or to East Lindsey District Council. Cllr A Stubbins proposed that the Council do not require the services of a Community Officer at this time. Cllr L Hemingway seconded the proposal which was supported by Cllrs J Sargent, S Chamberlain, S Chambers and B Vincent. Those against the proposal were: Cllrs S Walmsley, Mrs A Wormald, M Holyer.

Item 4 - To discuss the refurbishment of vandalised bus stops

Discussion took place amongst members of which bus stops have been vandalised and those that are in direct need of repair. It was also discussed which materials should be sourced: Perspex or Sheet metal.  Cllr Holyer informed the meeting that there was no legal requirement to provide bus shelters for public use. Cllr S Walmsley offered to survey the bus shelters and record an assessment of the damage. All present were in favour that Cllr S Walmsley’s findings are brought back to the full Council meeting in February.

Item 5 – To discuss an extension of 12 months to the current grass maintenance contract

The Clerk informed those present that the three year grass cutting maintenance contract expires in March.  Cllr M Holyer informed those present that that he would suggest to the Addlethorpe Cemetery Committee that the services of the contractor be extended for a further 12 months rather than go out to tender this year. The Clerk informed those present that she had spoken to the contractor who had verbally agreed to keep the costs the same; she had informed him that she would send him e mail confirmation of the agreement for his acknowledgement. Cllr B Vincent proposed that should confirmation from the contractor be received by the Clerk then the Council would not put the grass maintenance contract out to tender this year. Cllr A Stubbins seconded the proposal. All members were in favour.

Item 6: To further discuss a proposal by Mr Good of the Countryman Public House to acquire half of the dyke on the Queen Elizabeth playing fields.

Following a discussion amongst members of the merits of keeping the dyke maintained it was proposed by Cllr Mrs A Wormald that Mr Good’s request to adopt the Council’s half of the dyke on Queen Elizabeth playing fields be offered to Mr Good on a 25 year lease for a peppercorn rent of £1 per year. Mr Good is to maintain the dyke and boundary with new fencing, pay solicitors fees for producing the lease agreement and plant trees along the new boundary line. The proposal was seconded by Cllr L Hemingway, all present were in favour with the exception of Cllr S Chambers who thought the term of lease too long.

Item 7 – To transact any General Purposes brought before the meeting

  • Cllr Mrs A Wormald asked information from Cllr S Walmsley about the Christmas trees he was offered for the Council. Discussion took place on where to plant them: it was suggested one is planted in Glebe Park and another in a tub on the office grounds. Cllr Mrs A Wormald proposed that the Council accept the offer of the two Christmas trees which was seconded by Cllr L Hemingway. All present were in favour.
  • Cllr A Stubbins asked the Clerk if a wreath had been sourced in remembrance of the 1953 flood victims. The Clerk replied that she is to collect the wreath on the morning of the 29th January. Cllr Mrs A Wormald offered to lay the wreath on the 31st January. Cllr S Chamberlain and Cllr A Stubbins also offered their services. The Clerk shall inform Council members of the decision to open the Church to allow the wreath to be presented.
  • There was a query over the work which is currently being undertaken at BJ’s on Sea Lane. No one present was aware if planning permission had been received. Cllr S Chamberlain offered to check with the planning officer at ELDC.
  • It has been noticed that the flower rail baskets around the village have been removed. The Clerk has not received notification that they have been removed and will check with the Coastal BID Manager if the rangers have removed them to replant.

Item 8 – To confirm the date for the next meeting of the General Purposes Committee

            Wednesday 21st April 2021 (following the Finance Committee meeting)


            The meeting closed at 8.30 pm


Signed: ……………………………………………..Chairman

Signed: …………………………………………….Clerk and RFO