21 October 2019

Minutes of the General Purposes Committee Meeting held on Monday 21st October 2019


Present: Cllrs B Vincent (Chairman), Mrs A Wormald (Vice Chair), M Holyer, L Hemingway, Mrs J Ellis, T Stubbins, S Walmsley, S Chambers, S Chamberlain, B Bellis

Members of the Public: 2


Item 1 - Apologies: J Sargent


Item 2 - Conflicts of Interest: None declared


Item 3 - To further discuss the request of sponsorship for a new and updated chain of office

Following the decisions taken at the General Purposes meeting in July, Cllr Holyer had a meeting with the General Manager of Butlins, Mr Barron. Within the meeting Cllr Holyer approached the subject of the chain of office being replaced and sponsored by Butlins as the existing chain had previously been. Unfortunately, due to reasons beyond Mr Barron’s control it is highly unlikely that a new chain of office will be sponsored by Butlins. This resulted in discussion at the meeting that other potential sponsors could be approached or the Council could purchase its’ own chain of office. It was quickly pointed out that this idea would not be acceptable by the residents of Ingoldmells. Cllr Walmsley offered to approach Stagecoach marketing department and the Clerk is to provide him with a cost to purchase a new chain of office. Further information on types and costs shall be submitted at the next meeting of the General Purposes committee.


Item 4 – To discuss the way forward for the trial of Mini Meadows in Ingoldmells

Two areas were identified for a possible trial of mini meadows: a strip of land at the Duck dyke and the grass verge along Sea Lane. It was suggested by members that perennials such as snow drops and crocuses are planted. The Clerk shall contact the highways department to ask if this is possible for next year.


Item 5: To discuss the planting and maintenance of the rail baskets and tubs in 2020

Discussion took place regarding the problems encountered with having no identified budget in place to maintain and water the wonderful displays of flowers provided to the Council through the Lincolnshire Coastal bid grant. In discussing the way forward for 2020 it was also mentioned if it is possible for winter pansies to be planted in the tubs. Ideas also put forward were the sponsorship of baskets and tubs by local businesses, the school and individuals. Estimates to plant up and maintain the displays shall be sourced for the next


Item 6: To discuss the maintenance of the Ingoldmells village signs

The village signs which were erected in the year 2000 are in need of refurbishment. The guild has worn away and therefore there is no vibrancy of colour, the signs look tired and

unwelcoming. It was agreed that the refurbishment of the signs should be budgeted for in 2020/2021. The estimated costs of reguilding the signs are thought to be in the region of £1,400. The removal, transportation and re erection charges should also be taken into consideration.


Item 7: To discuss the proposal for having an events sub committee to further utilise Glebe Park

Conversation took place following a proposal at the September Council meeting to organise a Carnival at Ingoldmells. A suggestion was made to have an events sub committee in place to organise events at Glebe Park and other village locations. The outcome of the discussion that took place focussed on what events would residents and holiday makers like to participate in, what are their interests and what would work. It was decided that the Council should hold a meeting to allow the public to express their views. The meeting will be held on the 27th November at 6.30pm in the Royal Arthur Hall. The Clerk will produce a poster and have it placed in local shops along with the medical centre to advertise the meeting.


Item 8 – To transact any other General Purposes business

Notification has been received by the appointed contractor who will be varnishing the hall floor in the Royal Arthur centre that he may not be able to commit to the original date. The Clerk will ask if the contractor can fix the quoted price until next year. Approved by all present.


Item 9: To consider any new planning applications or amendments

An amendment to Land Adjoining Grays Farm, Anchor Lane, Ingoldmells – Hardy’s Farm Limited S/090/02435/16 was received with a short timescale for response. Application to vary conditions no.3 (landscaping), condition no 10 (water vole habitats) and condition no.17 ( phasing of development). The item was moved by Cllr Chambers and seconded by Cllr Stubbins. Approved by all present.


Item 10 – To confirm a date for the next meeting of the General Purposes Committee

Monday 20th January 2020 (following the Finance Committee meeting)