July 2022 Agenda

Ingoldmells Parish Council

Meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Monday 11th July 2022 at 7.15pm at the Royal Arthur Center Room, Ingoldmells.



At the discretion of the Chairman, those members of the public, residing or working within the Council’s boundary, will be invited to make representations or ask questions in respect of the business on the agenda, or other matters not on the agenda, for a maximum of 3 minutes per person or 15 minutes overall.  If time allocated is not required the Council will go into formal session.

1       Apologies

2       Conflicts of interest

3       To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 13th June 2022    

4       To approve a list of June accounts submitted for consideration

5       To discuss a ‘Working Group’ as requested by a resident in the June meeting for any future events

6       To discuss ‘Party in the park’ in 2023, as requested by a resident in the June meeting    

7       To discuss hire charges for the Civic room and the Royal Arthur Centre

8       To consider the removal of the goal posts on the Queen Elizabeth Playing Field

9       To confirm approval of the annual AGAR report

10     To consider any new planning applications

11     To discuss community matters which need referring to District/County Council Representative for a response

12     To receive any reports from the Chairperson and Clerk

13     To dispose of any correspondence received

14     To transact any urgent business