June 2022 Minutes

Ingoldmells Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held in the Civic Room, Parish Offices, 
on Monday 13th June 2022

The Chairman welcomed all present and informed them that the meeting would be recorded 
and would include the public session. 
He also reminded the public that they were not permitted to voice a view or speak when 
Council went into session and that the standards of the Council Constitution would be 

Public session

Members of the public present: 5

Cllr’s S Chamberlain (Chair), J Sargent (Vice Chair) M Holyer, L Hemingway, W Vincent, A 
Stubbins, R Blyde, K Brinkley. Julie Hart, Parish Clerk

1. Apologies
G Clements
J Ellis
Cllr C Davie, District and County Council representative for the Parish
Cllr Walmsley

2. Conflicts of Interest

3. To confirm the minutes of the Investment Money Minders meeting held on 12th
April 2022
The minutes were proposed by Cllr Sargent and seconded by Cllr Hemingway. All 
raised their hands in favour in with the exception of Cllr Chamberlain and Cllr 
Vincent, did not attend the meeting. Resolved

4. To confirm the minutes of the Finance meeting held on 25th April 2022
Amendment made for Cllr Blyde regarding car park agreement had not been 
reached. The minutes were proposed by Cllr Blyde and seconded by Cllr Vincent. 
Resolved unanimously

5. To confirm the minutes of the General Purpose meeting held on 25th April 2022
The minutes were proposed by Cllr Holyer and seconded by Cllr Sargent. Resolved

6. To confirm the minutes of the Annual Council meeting held on 9th May 2022
Cllr Sargent requested the sentence in point 15 of the agenda, regarding the closed 
meeting, be moved to the end of the minutes. Cllr Blyde requested feedback from the 
Chair regarding item 15 on the May minutes. Cllr Chamberlain confirmed, following a 
conversation with the Clerk, a letter was distributed to all Councillors regarding 
recording conversations and the use of social media. 
The minutes were proposed by Cllr Holyer and seconded by Cllr Sargent. Resolved

7. To approve a list of May accounts submitted for consideration 
Cllr Sargent, change the named wages to salary. Provide a running total for future 
meetings. The accounts were proposed by Cllr Holyer and seconded by Cllr Sargent. 
Resolved unanimously.

8. To consider a ‘Hearing Loop’ for both the Royal Arthur Centre and Council 
Chambers in the office building.
It was agreed the clerk would source 3 quotes to include supply, fitting and 
maintenance. Resolved unanimously

9. To consider and approve additions to the standing orders of the constitution
(information was in agenda packs)
a - Recommending the member voted in as Chair of the Council to attend the 
relevant training as prescribed by LALC
b - Recommending the member voted in as Vice Chair of the Council to attend the 
relevant training as prescribed by LALC
c - Recommending any new member(s) elected onto Council to attend the relevant 
training as prescribed by LALC
d - Recommending any member of the Council to attend the relevant training as 
prescribed by LALC should they be found to breach the rules of Ingoldmells Parish 
Council, as described in the Constitution, Code of Conduct, The Good Councillors 
Guide, by the Monitoring Officer at the District Council.
Points one and two will be accepted into the constitution. Councillors rejected points 
three and four. Cllr Vincent suggested this would deter people from wanting to join 
the council.

10. To confirm approval of the annual audit and AGAR report
Clerk – I have extended the AGAR until July to ensure all relevant information is 
reported accurately. 

11. To agree car parking charges to users of the Royal Arthur Centre
Following several ideas put forward it was agreed that, where possible, users of the 
Royal Arthur Centre would try to use the small car park at the rear of the building. 
Badges would be giving to display in the window of the car if using the centre.

12. To consider the spending of any funds left from the Jubilee Party. 
The clerk distributed a full account of monies spent (attached to the minutes). Cllr 
Blyde requested that any future events should try to use local suppliers to promote 
supporting local businesses. No funds from Cllr Davie have yet been received, the 
clerk is chasing. The full cost of the party was £608.31, which was £108.31 
over the £500 donation from Cllr Davie. The balance of £108.31 will be paid from the 
Chairs allowance. Therefore no funds are left.

13. To consider any new planning applications.
S/090/00959/22 – Golden Beach Holiday Park, Roman Bank, Ingoldmells, PE25 1LJ 
– Erection of 2 no. storage buildings in connection with the existing holiday park, 
existing workshop/store on site to be removed – Approved Planning Permission 
S/090/00871/20 – Land at Fantasy Island, Sea Lane, Ingoldmells, PE25 1RH –
deletion of caravan reference, changes to the use class definitions, changes to 
conditions/amended flood risk assessment and minor consequential changes to 
wording – returned decision to Secretary of State.

14. To discuss community matters which need referring to the District/County 
Council Representative for a response?
A written report received from Cllr Colin Davie was read by the Clerk.

15. To receive reports from the Chair and Clerk
The full Chair and Clerk report were included in the information pack and is attached 
to the back of the minutes.

16. To dispose of any correspondence received
Correspondence was included in the information pack and is attached to the back of 
the minutes.

17. To transact any urgent business
Stairlift to be discussed at a future meeting

The meeting of the Council closed at 20.40pm

Date of the next Meeting of the Council – Monday 12th September 2022 at 7.15pm

Chairman of the Council...…………………………………………………………………………

Clerk to the Council and RFO ……………………………………………………………………

13th June 2022