February 2023 Minutes

Ingoldmells Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Royal Arthur Centre on Monday 13th February 2023 commencing at 7.15pm. These are notes of the meeting until approved as a true record. 




Cllrs S Chamberlain (Chair), J Sargent (Vice-Chair), K Brinkley, J Ellis, L Hemingway, M Holyer, R Stevens, A Stubbins, and A Vincent.


There were 7 members of the public in attendance. 


Public Session


A resident (1) expressed concerns about possible drug users and dog mess in Glebe Park, as well as beggars outside Heron and Tesco Express. The residents thought elderly people were vulnerable. It was advised reporting these issues to the Police and Crime Commissioner, the MP and the PCSO. 


Cllr Vincent advised reporting this to Sergeant Harrison, the new beat manager. 


A resident (2) advised there is a family using Glebe Park to walk their dog and asked if a dog warden could visit the site. 


With no further questions, it was resolved to move into full session.


1. Chairman’s Welcome


The Chairman welcomed all present, reminding attendees about relevant standing orders relating to behaviour, to turn off mobile phones and of appropriate escape routes in the event of a fire. 


2. To appoint a minute taker


It was resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Sargent to take the minutes for the meeting. 


3. Apologies


No apologies received from Cllrs G Clements, S Walmsley or from District and County Cllr Davie


4. Declarations of Interest


None received.


5. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 26th September 2022.


It was resolved by majority to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record.


6. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 10th October 2022.


It was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record.


Items to follow up - trees to commemorate the late Queen, Elizabeth II, and the gas test for the cooker in the Royal Arthur Centre. A new part for the cooker should have been ordered, but the previous Clerk did not follow this up. 


7. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 14th November 2022.


It was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record.


Cllr Vincent queried whether Councillors contact details need to be on the website. Clarification to be sought.


8. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 9th January 2023.


It was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record.


Cllr Holyer asked for clarification on item 14, who would be hiring the hall for the coronation event. With it on the agenda for this meeting, it will be discussed later.


9. To confirm the minutes of the Meeting with Money Minders. 


It was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record. 


It was requested to increase the income from the investments from £25,000.00 to £30,000.00 per year. The Clerk to contact Money Minders. 


10. To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration.


It was resolved unanimously to accept the list of accounts submitted.


11. To approve payment of outstanding invoices. 


It was resolved unanimously to pay outstanding invoices. 


Cllr Vincent requested the contract for the printer be brought back to Council when it’s due for renewal and clarification over the VAT status.


12. To discuss community matters which need referring to the District and County representatives for a response.


No written report received.


13. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, or amendments.


Planning applications and notifications were emailed to Councillors prior to the meeting. There were no comments from Councillors about open applications with ELDC’s planning department. 


14. To receive a report from the Chairman to the Council.


The Chair clarified his attendance record, which had previously been questioned. Cllr Chamberlain also reported on the 1953 flood victims memorial service, at Ingoldmells Church, the information in the memorial board on Sea Lane and the reception held in Chapel’s North Sea Observatory. 


15. To receive a report from the interim Clerk.


The interim Clerk issued a report to Councillors prior to the meeting. 


16. To consider meeting dates for 2023-24.


It was resolved by majority to accept the list of meetings dates submitted for consideration, with the January meeting date move to the 15th. The April date was moved to the 3rd Monday due to a bank holiday. 


17. King Charles III coronation event:


a. To receive an update on the event.


Cllr Stevens discussed several ideas across the weekend in the Royal Arthur Centre, in the park and a possible street party on Sea Lane, which would require a road closure. 


Cllr Stevens has booked the Royal Arthur Centre on the Saturday with the idea of providing a Fish and Chip dinner for residents, with the coronation on the TV in the hall. 


Cllr Chamberlain thought the idea of a street party was a good idea which would live long in the memory, but might prove difficult logistically. 


Cllr Stevens to appeal for volunteers to help put on the event on the Saturday and for a litter pick around the village on the Monday.


b. To consider a working group to organise the event.


It was resolved by majority to set up a working group to organise an event to celebrate the King’s coronation. 


c. To consider Terms of Reference for the KCIII working group.


The criteria for the group was agreed to plan and hold an event to celebrate the King’s coronation.


d. To appoint members to the KCIII working group.


It was resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Vincent and Cllr Stevens to the working group. 


18. To consider increasing the costs of the car parking charges in the Council car park. 


Councillors briefly discussed the idea of increasing charges with neighbouring car parks in mind and the potential plans to refurbish the car park. No proposals were put to the Council. 


19. To consider hiring rates for the Royal Arthur Centre and Council meeting rooms. 


After a brief discussion, it was resolved unanimously to have the same rates for residents and non-residents of £12.50 per hour. 


20. To consider the Motor Caravan Club visits and charges.


After a brief discussion, it was resolved unanimously to offer the Motor Caravan Club a charge of £950.00 for March 2024. 


21. To consider the maintenance of the flower baskets around the village.


Previously the Visit Lincs Coast Destination BID maintained the flower baskets. As they ceased to exist, it was resolved by majority to write to businesses to ask if they will plant up and maintain the flower baskets, allowing them to add sponsorship to the flower basket. 


22. To consider moving future HMRC PAYE/NI payments to direct debit. 


After a brief discussion regarding the pros and cons of the direct debit payments, it was resolved by majority to with the current system, not to move to direct debit payments.


23. To move into closed session


a. To consider the Council’s workplace pension scheme


After a long discussion over the current pension providers and the legal requirements employers need to meet regarding offering a pension to employees, it was resolved unanimously to offer a Nest Workplace Pension to new employees, should they meet they criteria required. 


Employees enrolled on the current pension scheme could not be removed from it. 


b. To consider implementation of the NJC pay award of April 2022, including back pay.


No decision needed to be made. The pay increase was decided by the Local Government Association and the National Association of Local Councils. 


With no further matters to discuss, the Chair of the Council closed the meeting at 9:10pm.