November 2022 Minutes
Ingoldmells Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Royal Arthur Centre on Monday 14th November 2023 commencing at 7.15pm. These are notes of the meeting until approved as a true record.
Cllrs J Sargent (Vice-Chair), K Brinkley, G Clements, J Ellis, L Hemingway, M Holyer, R Stevens, A Stubbins, A Vincent.
There were 3 members of the public in attendance.
Public Session
One member of the public requested the Council put up Christmas lights this year. There was a brief discussion amongst Councillors about the installation of the Christmas Lights. Cllr Holyer advised the Council have previously contacted the Hand Bros. to install the lights. Cllr Vincent recommended the Council only use the Hand Bros. for the large tree.
As no further questions were put to the Council, it was resolved to move into full session.
1. Chairman’s Welcome.
With the Chairman absent, the Vice-Chair Cllr J Sargent conducted the meeting. Cllr Sargent welcomed all present, reminding attendees about relevant standing orders relating to behaviour as well as the Council’s resolution in October to sign up to the Civility and Respect Pledge, to turn off mobile phones and of appropriate escape routes in the event of a fire.
2. To appoint a minute taker.
It was resolved by majority to appoint Cllr Hemingway to take the minutes for the meeting.
3. Apologies.
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies from Cllr S Chamberlain (Chair), as well as District and County Cllr Davie.
4. Declarations of Interest.
None received.
5. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 10th October 2022.
With no Clerk in place to present the minutes, it was agreed to defer to a later date.
6. To confirm the minutes of the Meeting with Money Minders.
The previous Clerk did not type up the minutes from this meeting, it was agreed to defer to a later date. Cllr Sargent was not aware if this meeting was recorded. Cllr Vincent advised to contact Money Minders as Karen may have taken the minutes.
7. To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration.
a. October Income and Expenditure
The previous Clerk did not compile the accounts, additionally the accounts have not been reconciled and therefore, were unable to be presented at this time. It was agreed to defer to a later date.
Cllr Clements recommended the Council contact the accountants to bring the accounts up to date.
It was resolved unanimously to contact Duncan and Toplis to bring the accounts up to date.
Cllr Holyer requested it be noted in the minutes that the previous Clerk had not updated the Cemetery accounts for seven months and the Cemetery Committee were unaware of how much is in the Cemetery Committee account.
Cllr Clements sought clarification on who has access to the accounts. Cllr Vincent confirmed there are still 3 signatories on the Council and the paperwork has gone to Lloyds Bank to remove Ms Hart from the account. The business card in Ms Hart’s name has also been destroyed.
8. To discuss community matters which need referring to the District and County representatives for a response.
Cllr Davie put in his apologies and did not submit a report. The Council to request a written report from Cllr Davie for future meetings, to be received in advance of a Parish Council meetings.
9. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, or amendments.
a. S/09001751/22 | Planning Permission - Seaways, Sea Lane
Cllr Holyer advised this was a retrospective planning application and has been completed.
b. S/090/01898/22 | Planning Permission - Orchard Park, Walls Lane
After a brief discussion, it was resolved unanimously to support the application.
10. To receive a report from the Chairman to the Council.
Cllr Chamberlain provided a report to Councillors prior to the meeting. There were no questions regarding the report.
11. To resolve to accept the resignation of the Clerk.
Cllr Sargent advised this was a formality, that needs to be noted for the minutes. It was resolved unanimously to accept the resignation.
12. To appoint a temporary Clerk from within the Council.
Cllr Sargent advised the Council that Cllr Chamberlain had so far been performing the duties of the Clerk. It was resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Chamberlain as the temporary Clerk.
13. To approve the appointment of a Temporary Clerk from LALC.
Cllr Sargent advised the Council that LALC would try to provide a Clerk for £20.00 per hour plus mileage to help continue the day-to-day operations. Cllr Stevens added that 2 days would be a good starting point for a temporary.
Cllr Vincent advised that whilst the Council is without a Clerk, our obligations are to post the minutes and the accounts, other matters can be put on hold. Cllr Vincent informed the Council that most of the phone calls he’s taken whilst in the office were not relating to Council business.
Cllr Holyer recommended that the Council spends the equivalent on the temporary Clerk’s salary, as the Council would have done for the employed Clerk.
It was resolved unanimously to approve the appointment of a Temporary Clerk from LALC.
14. To appoint a temporary Responsible Finance Officer and bank signatory.
Cllr Vincent suggested that this be deferred to later date once the accounts have been brought up to date by Duncan and Toplis.
Cllr Holyer advised that a Councillor could not be paid to for this role but would need an RFO.
It was resolved by majority to appoint Cllr Sargent as the temporary RFO and to be added as a bank signatory.
15. To approve the job role description and job advert.
The job description and adverts presented were basic templates for the Clerk’s position.
Cllr Vincent recommended advertising the working hours.
Cllr Ellis advised that she has a copy of the previous job description at home that was more detailed but did not bring it Council to aid the debate.
Councillors held a brief discussion on the oversight of its employees and the need to improve this for new staff as well as the potential training of a new Clerk.
It was resolved unanimously to use the job role description and job advert tabled for discussion.
16. To approve where to advertise for a new Clerk and RFO.
Cllr Ellis recommended the job centre and the local press as well as with ELDC.
Cllr Holyer recommended but spoke against advertising in the local press due to the costs associated.
It was resolved unanimously to advertise on, with the job centre, ELDC and LALC.
17. To consider the HR services of Croner.
This was brought to Council to be prepared for a possible grievance. Cllr Sargent suggested that this be deferred as 3 quotes have not been presented for a comparison and advised that the Chair has been in conversation with Tinn Criddle - the Council’s solicitors, regarding employment matters.
It was resolved by majority to reject the services of Croner.
18. To appoint 3 Councillors to review CVs and interview candidates for the role.
Cllr Holyer recommended that all Councillors should remain on the interview panel. Cllr Vincent added that this has been the case previously in the interests of transparency.
Cllr Sargent spoke in favour of appointing 3 Councillors, suggesting it would be a quicker process reviewing CV and selecting candidates to interview as well as the possibility that it’s potentially intimidating being interviewed by 11 people.
Cllr Stevens recommended that the Council appoint 3 members to select the best CVs and distribute to Councillors for consideration. Whereas Cllr Vincent suggested we make copies available in the office for Councillors to come in to review.
Not motion was proposed.
19. To appoint Pete Langford from LALC to take on the website maintenance (WMS).
Cllr Sargent advised LALC offer 10-hour blocks for £150.00 (ex-VAT). Pete Langford will be able to organise the website so it’s legally compliant and update with agendas, minutes, policies, and other documents where necessary.
It was resolved unanimously to purchase 10 hours for the WMS from LALC.
20. To consider a location and installation of the Covid-19 commemorative plaque.
Councillors held a brief discussion on potential locations.
It was resolved unanimously to install the plaque on the front of the Royal Arthur Centre, above the benches.
21. To consider the installation of the 1953 floods memorial notice board.
Councillors held a brief discussion on possible locations and contractors to install.
It was resolved by majority to ask G.P. West to install the notice board outside Hardy’s market on Sea Lane.
It was resolved to move into closed session.
No motions were proposed during the closed session.
With no further matters to discuss, the Vice-Chair of the Council closed the meeting at 8:30pm.