October 2022 Minutes
Ingoldmells Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Royal Arthur Centre on Monday 10th October 2022 commencing at 7.15pm. These are notes of the meeting until approved as a true record.
Cllrs C Chamberlain (Chair), J Sargent (Vice-Chair), K Brinkley, G Clements, J Ellis, L Hemingway, M Holyer, R Stevens, A Stubbins, A Vincent.
Clerk - J Hart
There were 3 members of the public in attendance.
Public Session
One member of the public asked about the Covid booster jabs. The Clerk advised they would be in the Council Offices, not the Royal Arthur Centre, but could not confirm dates. As no further questions were put to the Council, it was resolved to move into full session.
1. Chairman’s Welcome.
The Chairman welcomed all present, reminding attendees about appropriate behaviour, the location of toilets, to turn off mobile phones and of escape routes in the event of a fire.
The Chair read out a short statement detailing how Cllr Sargent attended a LALC networking day and awards ceremony. Cllr Sargent was delighted to see Ingoldmells Councillors were to receive awards for long service as well as a nominee for Councillor of the year, recognition thoroughly deserved. Cllr Sargent was asked to bring the awards back to the Councillors in Ingoldmells.
The first Councillor to receive a long service award was Len Hemingway, who has served for 20 years with Ingoldmells. Cllr Hemingway was nominated by his peers on the Council for his outstanding and significant contribution during that time. Congratulations Cllr Hemingway.
The second Councillor to receive a long service award was Mick Holyer, who has served for 40 years with Ingoldmells. Cllr Holyer was again nominated by his peers on the Council for his outstanding and significant contribution during that time.
And the finally a Councillor from Ingoldmells was nominated for the most prestigious award handed out on the day - Councillor of the Year. Unfortunately, our representative missed out on top stop, but finished runner up to the eventual winner. Congratulations to Mick Holyer! Cllr Holyer was nominated by his peers on the Council for his tireless efforts not just on the Council but in the community as well, notably volunteering in the covid vaccination centre amongst his other contributions.
2. Apologies.
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies from Cllr S Walmsley as well as District and County Cllr Davie.
3. Declarations of Interest.
None received.
4. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 26th September 2022.
Cllr Vincent mentioned on item 15 the wording should be “Ingoldmells Parish Council - in memory of the 1953 flood victims”.
Cllr Sargent advised for items 6 and 7, he is listed as absent but chaired those meetings. Cllr Sargent also queried whether he proposed item 12. The Clerk advised she would check the recording.
The Chair advised some wording was incorrect regarding the resolutions which should read either resolved unanimously or resolved by majority.
Cllr Chamberlain added that the resolution from the closed session also needs noting for the minutes to be worded as “Staffing matter were resolved”.
Providing those amendments were made, the minutes from September were resolved unanimously.
5. To approve the list of accounts submitted for September.
The Clerk advised the accounts for September were incomplete as the bank statement has not been received for the month.
Cllr Sargent asked if the S106 money had come in from ELDC for the fence at the front of the car park. The advised it had not yet been received.
Cllr Vincent queried who pays for the grass cutting on the bowling green. A brief discussion took place, and it was requested the Clerk look up the tenancy agreement and send a letter to the Social Club to inform them as to who is responsible for the maintenance.
The Clerk advised she would also check the contract with Welton Garden Services as to whether they should cut the bowling green or not.
Cllr Vincent enquired as to how much had been raised from personal donations for Andy, the local street cleaner. The Clerk advised £120.00.
Cllr Ellis suggested that the Council should donate to Andy from the Council’s accounts as a retirement gift. It was explained that the Council couldn’t spend public on a gift to an individual. Cllr Ellis vociferously claimed the Council had done this before but could not present the evidence of a previous occasion.
The Chair tried to explain again but moved on as the accounts had been proposed for September and were subsequently resolved unanimously.
6. To consider a resolution to sign up to the Civility and Respect Pledge
Cllr Ellis announced to the Council that she’d read the document twice, back to front and claimed that this pledge was for employees only and should therefore be adopted for employees only.
Cllr Vincent asked for clarification on the pledge. Both Cllrs Chamberlain and Sargent advised this pledge did in fact include Councillors. The official wording on the pledge details the following:
• Treat other councillors, clerks, employees, members of the public, and representatives of partner organisations and volunteers with civility and respect in their roles
• Commit to training councillors and staff
• Sign up to the code of conduct for councillors
• Have good governance arrangements in place
• Commit to seeking professional help at early stages should civility and respect issues arise
• Call out bullying and harassment if and when it happens
• Continue to learn from best practice in the sector and aspire to being a role model/champion council
• Support the continued lobbying for the change in legislation to support the civility and respect pledge including sanctions for elected members where appropriate.
It was resolved unanimously to sign up to the Civility and Respect Pledge.
7. To consider planting a tree in memory of the late Queen Elizabeth II.
Cllr Stubbins brought this to Council as a way of honouring the late Queen Elizabeth II.
Cllr Chamberlain suggested a possible location of Queen Elizabeth park.
Cllr Holyer advised a neighbouring Council were planting seven magnolia trees, one for each decade of her reign.
It was resolved unanimously to plant seven trees in Ingoldmells in honour of the late Queen Elizabeth II. The Clerk to try to source seven free trees from Lincolnshire County Council, if unable to, get three quotes to bring to Council.
8. To consider a second quotation for the hearing loop.
Cllr Chamberlain advised there was a significant difference between the two quotes received so far.
Cllr Stevens advised asking the first company to provide a quote match the second, so there is a better comparison for the Council to consider.
Cllr Holyer insisted the Council consider three quotes. The Clerk to source a third quote.
9. To discuss complaints regarding litter on the beach.
The Clerk advised she’s received numerous complaints regarding litter on the beach.
Cllr Chamberlain advised both he and Cllr Vincent met with representatives from ELDC and LCC who were not forthcoming with financial assistance or further enforcement.
Cllr Brinkley asked if there was a legal route to be explored. Cllr Hemingway advised that enforcement was an issue for ELDC, who have previously charged the landowner for cleaning.
No motion was proposed as the beach is currently privately owned; there’s not much the Parish Council can do. The Chair asked the Clerk to write to ELDC again for assistance.
10. To discuss a working group for the Warm Spaces Hub
a. To consider the Terms of Reference for the working group
Cllr Hemingway reported to the Council that the group are to be called the Ingoldmells Independent Support Group, who are happy to run from the Royal Arthur Centre and ask for the Council to forego charges for us of the centre and request funds to help the group get set up. The group have put into place plans to have an evening meal on a Wednesday and a warm drink and a bowl of soup on a Friday, to help keep residents warm who might be struggling. There are also plans to appeal for coats and clothing.
Cllr Sargent asked for clarification if this was going to be a working group - an extension of the Council or independent. If it’s a working group, the Council would have to agree to ToR’s and appoint members to represent the Council. Cllr Ellis insisted the group are independent from the Council.
Cllr Vincent requested the kitchen appliances be tested, gas and PAT tested as soon as possible.
The Chair recommended writing to ELDC for funding. Cllr Hemingway advised the group have already written letters to the likes of Cllr Davie for support.
It was resolved to provide the Royal Arthur Centre free of charge on a Friday afternoon and once a month on a Wednesday for an evening meal.
Cllr Sargent advised members who contribute to the group, would have to act as private individuals, they would not be able to act as Councillors. As the group are independent, not associated with the Council, there was no need to agree ToR.
11. To discuss community matters which need referring to the District and County representatives for a response.
Cllr Davie put in his apologies and did not submit a report.
12. To receive a report from the Chairman to the Council and the Clerk.
Cllr Chamberlain reported to Councillors that he’d attended a training day for Chairs and Clerks.
The Clerk reported about the vaccination centre, a correspondence from Anglian Water, the coronation date has been set for King Charles III, and information on the 1953 flood anniversary ceremony at Ingoldmells Church.
The Chair closed the meeting at 7:30pm.