April 2023 Minutes

Ingoldmells Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Royal Arthur Centre on Monday 17th April 2023 commencing at 7:15pm. These are notes of the meeting until approved as a true record. 
Cllrs S Chamberlain (Chair), J Sargent (Vice Chair), A Vincent, K Brinkley, L Hemingway, M Hoyler, R Stevens, and A Stubbins
There were 2 members of the public in attendance. 
Public Session
Resident 1 asked if they could take the bee bombs - packs of wildflower seeds - to plant at the social club at Glebe Park. Councillors agreed they could plant the wildflower seeds at the social club.
With no further questions, it was resolved to move into full session.
1. Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed all present, reminding attendees about relevant standing orders relating to behaviour, to turn off mobile phones and of appropriate escape routes in the event of a fire. 
2. To appoint a minute taker
It was resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Sargent to take the minutes for the meeting. 
3. Apologies
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies from Cllrs S Walmsley and J Ellis. Councillors were reminded to submit written apologies with a reason.
No apologies received from Cllr G Clements or from District and County Cllr Davie.
4. Declarations of Interest
None received. 
5. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 13th March 2023.
It was resolved unanimously to accept the March 2023 minutes as a true and accurate record.
Cllr Stevens asked for the apologies for the March meeting to be checked that they were submitted in writing with a reason, for clarification that the financial status of the warm hub group has been submitted and that the stair lift is going to be serviced. 
Cllr Chamberlain confirmed the finances had been submitted and the stair lift will be actioned.  
Cllr Holyer advised the working group members for Swifts JFC will need reappointed at the Annual Meeting of the Council in May. Cllr Vincent confirmed the Council were waiting for the draft contract to be received from the solicitors. Cllr Stevens argued that the Council should not pay the £400.00 that the Swifts committee have requested. 
6. To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration.
It was resolved unanimously to accept the list of accounts submitted, noting that staff names should be removed from future public-facing documentation.
7. To approve payment of outstanding invoices. 
It was resolved unanimously to pay outstanding invoices for Welton Garden Services. 
Councillors voiced their displeasure at receiving an invoice from Onecom, stating no service was ever provided by Onecom. A previous Clerk agreed to receive a service from Onecom in 2019, however, this was never passed at Council. It is not recorded in as being approved in previous minutes. Onecom never provided a service to the Council and the Council consider that they are invoicing for something they didn’t provide. Councillors agreed they could not pay the invoice which is dating back 3 years. Onecom are unable to provide any signed contract. It was resolved unanimously not to pay Onecom, additionally Councillors asked the Clerk to contact the Council’s solicitors to help resolve the situation. 
8. To discuss community matters which need referring to the District and County representatives for a response.
No written report received and Cllr Davie was absent.
9. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, or amendments.
The council noted the Full Planning Permission given to the following:
S/090/00280/23 Planning Permission - Erection of a building to use as a fishing tackle
10. To receive a report from the Chairman to the Council.
The Chairman issued a report to Councillors prior to the meeting; this was read aloud by the Chairman during the meeting.
11. To receive a report from the interim Clerk.
The interim Clerk issued a report to Councillors prior to the meeting; this was read aloud by the Chair during the meeting. 
12. King Charles III coronation event:
a. To receive an update from the Working Group for this event regarding final arrangements.
Cllr Stevens confirmed the food and drink will be provided as well as flags to decorate the hall. Cllr Stevens updated Councillors on the ordering procedure for the fish and chips that are going to be provided to attendees. 
Cllr Stevens asked for volunteers and the Chair to attend. 
b. To consider funding a purchase of a portrait of HM King Charles III for the Royal Arthur
Cllr Chamberlain advised the official portrait is not available yet, most likely will be after the Coronation. Cllr Sargent advised an official portrait will be made available free of charge to local authorities after the Coronation. 
13. To request an update on the status of gov.uk emails for councillors and the clerk.
Cllr Sargent advised that the Council had previously resolved to use a .gov.uk email address. Cllr Stevens confirmed he asked for this to go on the agenda for an update. Cllr Vincent suggested Councillors create their own as using the .gov.uk was only a recommendation from LALC, it is not mandatory. It was resolved by majority for Councillors to create their own addresses with gmail or outlook and spare the expense of .gov.uk addresses.
14. To consider replacing missing “No Dogs Allowed” signage at Glebe and Queen Elizabeth Parks.
It was resolved unanimously to buy 4 new “no dogs allowed” signs, 1 for the Glebe Park entrance and 3 for Queen Elizabeth playing field; these are to include something about how it's a children's play area - up to the value of £400.00.
15. To consider tree overgrowth along White Haven Park (backing onto Glebe Park) due to additional resident complaints.
Councillors did not see this as an issue and advised the residents of White Haven are welcome to cut back any overgrowth which may intrude upon their back gardens.
16. Clarification on Wednesday ‘fund raising’ dinners at the Royal Arthur Hall.
Cllr Stevens sought clarification on the fund raising of the warm hub group as 2 women tried to attend but were refused as they were not residents of Ingoldmells. 
Cllr Stubbins confirmed that the group is solely for residents of Ingoldmells and Addlethorpe. The 2 women were not residents and were refunded in full. 
Cllr Stevens suggested the group should raise funds from everyone. 
Cllr Vincent advised that the group is independent from the Council. Cllr Stubbins advised that the funds raised are to provide attendees to the warm hub with vouchers for shopping.  
17. To discuss the installation of an under 5’s swing at the Infant Park.
Cllr Chamberlain asked the Council to consider this as an improvement to the infant park. No decision was made.
18. To discuss the repairing, replacing, or removing the Zip Wire and converting the raised platform to earthen construction.
It was resolved unanimously to remove the zip wire and will consider a replacement item later.
19. To consider applying for East Coast Community Fund grants to fund the following projects:
a. Replacement of library roof
b. Upgrade of playground equipment on Glebe and Queen Elizabeth parks
c. Refurbishment of bowling premises 
d. Replacement of bus shelters
Upon discussion, it was resolved unanimously to seek funding from the aforementioned grant source and to seek funding through other sources such as National Lottery, the UK Prosperity Fund and Orsted community grant. 
20. To consider quotes for replacement shutter door on the Council Offices
It was resolved by majority to have bullet locks fitted and not to have the expense of the electric shutter fitted.
21. To consider quotes for installation of a new fire alarm system in the Council Offices and Royal Arthur Hall. 
Deferred to a later meeting to allow for additional quotes to be received.
22. To consider joining the Duncan & Toplis HMRC Tax Investigation service.
Deferred to a later meeting to allow Council to receive information on the service and understand the costs involved.
23. To discuss formation of a Hall committee to facilitate opening/closing hall for booked events. 
Deferred to a later meeting to allow the new Council to consider.
24. To discuss formation of a Staffing committee to provide direct supervision of office staff.
Deferred to a later meeting to allow the new Council to consider.
25. To resolve to exclude the public and media to discuss confidential items relating to individuals and confidential financial matters in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960:
a. To discuss the proposed contract of employment for the Proper Officer
Council resolved unanimously to stop advertising at the end of April and to interview from available candidates.
With no further matters to discuss, the Chair of the Council closed the meeting at 8:40pm.