May 2023 Annual Council meeting minutes

Ingoldmells Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held at the Council Offices on Monday 30th May 2023 commencing at 7:15pm. These are notes of the meeting until approved as a true record. 
S Chamberlain (Outgoing-Chair), Cllrs J Sargent (Vice-Chair), K Brinkley, B Oldbury, R Stevens, A Stubbins, P Sutton, and B Vincent.
There were 10 members of the public in attendance. 
1. Chairman’s Welcome.
The outgoing Chairman welcomed all present, reminding attendees about relevant standing orders relating to behaviour, to turn off mobile phones and of appropriate escape routes in the event of a fire. 
Mr Chamberlain asked those in attendance to stand for a minute’s silence in remembrance of former Councillor Gary Clements, who sadly passed away in May. Cllr Sargent, a nephew of Mr. Clements, thanked everyone in attendance for this and to those who passed on messages of condolences to him and the family.   
2. To appoint a minute taker.
It was resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Sargent to take the minutes for the meeting. 
3. To elect a Chair of the Council for the forthcoming term of office.
Cllr Sutton and Cllr Vincent were both proposed and seconded. After a vote, Cllr Vincent duly elected as Chair of the Council with a majority of votes, 5 to 2. 
4. To receive the Chair’s declaration of acceptance of office.
The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed by Cllr Vincent and Cllr Sargent.
5. To elect a Vice-Chair of the Council for the forthcoming term of office.
Three Councillors were proposed for the role, but only Cllr Sargent was seconded. Cllr Sargent was duly elected as Vice-Chair of the Council.
6. To receive the Vice-Chairperson’s declaration of acceptance of office.
The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed by Cllr Vincent and Cllr Sargent.
7. Public Forum
Resident 1 mentioned that glass in Glebe Park had been there for several weeks and those from ELDC are not doing a very good job at keeping the village clean. Resident 2 mentioned she also reported it when it happened to the cleaning operatives.
Cllr Vincent advised he would contact ELDC about it. 
Resident 3 mentioned his concern over a possible housing development on Anchor Lane that could lead to an increase in the number of children crossing the road on Chapel Lane to Queen Elizabeth Park towards the school. Resident 3 suggested that a crossing should be in place before the housing estate is established. 
Cllr Vincent advised the Council could request a crossing at this location. Cllr Stevens suggested requesting a crossing patrol guard.
Resident 4 asked about the parking issues on Sea Lane. Cllr Vincent confirmed that there will be daily patrols on Sea Lane to combat the parking issues. Resident 1 also complained about parking on the path, in the bus stop and on yellow lines. 
Resident 5 mentioned that the Highways Officer from LCC would be walking round the village to assess the issues with District and County Cllr C Davie. 
Resident 6 commented on issues regarding A-boards on Sea Lane blocking the pavement and traders parking their vans on the pavement. 
Cllr Vincent confirmed he would raise these issues with the relevant officers in the Highways Department. 
With no further questions, it was resolved to move into formal session. 
8. Apologies
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies from Cllrs J Boswell and S Walmsley who were both absent through work commitments. Apologies were also received from District and County Cllr Davie.
Mrs J Ellis although elected, had not signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office before or at the first meeting of the Council. As per the Local Government Act 1972, section 83, having failed to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, her seat has become vacant. ELDC have been made aware of the vacancy and advised to co-opt a new member at the earliest opportunity. 
9. Declarations of Interest.
None received. 
10. To appoint three (3) Councillors to serve as representatives on the Ingoldmells and Addlethorpe Cemetery Joint Management Committee. 
Cllrs Stevens, Sutton and Vincent were all nominated and seconded. It was resolved unanimously to appoint the three Councillors to the Ingoldmells and Addlethorpe Cemetery Joint Management Committee.
11. To appoint three (3) contacts for the intruder alarm call list.
Cllrs Stubbins, Sutton and Vincent were all nominated and seconded. It was resolved unanimously to appoint the three Councillors to intruder alarm call list.
12. To appoint six (6) additional signatories for the Lloyds Bank account. 
It was resolved unanimously to appoint J Sargent, K Brinkley, B Oldbury, R Stevens, A Stubbins, and P Sutton as additional signatories. 
13. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 17th April 2023.
Cllr Vincent advised that on item 14, he did suggest we appoint a company to supply and fit the signs, rather than just to buy the signs. The signs have already been bought and are in the office waiting to be installed. 
With that amendment, it was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record. 
Cllr Stevens mentioned that the King’s Coronation signs need putting up and nothing has been done regarding Swifts.
14. To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration. 
No explanations on the payments listed. Councillors to ask the interim Clerk for clarification on future lists of accounts. 
It was resolved unanimously to accept the list of accounts submitted.
15. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, or amendments.
None received.
16. To receive a report from the interim Clerk.
The interim Clerk issued a report to Councillors prior to the meeting. There were no questions about the report. 
17. To receive a list of previous resolutions and allocate tasks to Councillors. 
No Councillors put themselves forward for any tasks. 
Cllr Vincent suggested these jobs get done before any further tasks are considered and for Councillors bear in mind these tasks over the next couple of months and to report back to the Council. 
18. To receive a final report on the King’s Coronation celebrations. 
Cllr Stevens provided a final report on the event, advising that due to low numbers the event was cancelled. Rather than put the event on, food vouchers were handed out to members of the public who said they would attend. Cllr Stevens advised £60 worth of vouchers were issued. 
Cllr Oldbury advised that the value of the vouchers spent at the Copper Kettle on Sea Lane will be donated to charity - the Soldiers', Sailors', and Airmen's Families Association (SSAFA) rather than invoice the Council. 
19. To consider appointing a member to the LALC Management Committee. 
Cllr Oldbury was put forward to represent Ingoldmells Parish Council on this committee. 
20. To consider joining the Duncan & Toplis Tax Investigation Service. 
Cllr Vincent suggested all accounts try to sell this service. With the Council audited internally and externally annually, it was resolved unanimously to reject the service. 
21. To consider separation of the Clerk/Proper Officer and RFO duties.
Cllr Sargent suggested that it would be a plus to have 2 members of office staff to avoid a situation of being without a Clerk again. There would be continuity and someone in the office to continue with duties and the running of the Council. 
It was resolved unanimously to offer to split the roles to the current interim Clerk as the RFO and the candidate for the Clerk’s job as the Proper Officer. 
22. To resolve to move into closed session. 
It was resolved unanimously to move into closed session. 
a. To consider staffing matters. 
It was resolved unanimously to meet with the candidate for the Proper Officer role. 
With no further matters to discuss, the Chair of the Council closed the meeting at 8:20pm.