June 2023 Minutes
Ingoldmells Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Royal Arthur Centre on Monday 12th June 2023 commencing at 7:15pm. These are notes of the meeting until approved as a true record.
Cllrs A Vincent (Chair), J Sargent (Vice Chair), K Brinkley, B Oldbury, R Stevens, A Stubbins, and P Sutton.
There were 7 members of the public in attendance.
Public Session
Resident 1 asked if Ingoldmells Parish Council were going to buy Kingfisher Caravan Park from East Lindsey District Council. Cllr Vincent advised that Ingoldmells Parish Council were not going to buy Kingfisher Caravan Park.
Resident 2 asked for permission from the Parish Council to put some tables up near the Social Club in Glebe Park for jumble sale on 24th June. There were no objections from the Councillors.
With no further questions, it was resolved to move into full session.
1. Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed all present, reminding attendees about relevant standing orders relating to behaviour, to turn off mobile phones and of appropriate escape routes in the event of a fire.
2. To appoint a minute taker
It was resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Sargent to take the minutes for the meeting.
3. Apologies
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies from Cllr S Walmsley.
4. Declarations of Interest
Cllrs Brinkley and Stubbins declared an interest in item 11.
5. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Tuesday 30th May 2023.
It was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes submitted for consideration for May 2023 meeting as a true and accurate record.
6. To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration.
It was resolved unanimously to accept the list of accounts submitted.
7. To approve payment of outstanding invoices.
It was resolved unanimously to pay outstanding invoices for Welton Garden Services.
8. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, or amendments.
The Council noted the Full Planning Permission given to the following:
S/090/01758/22 | Planning Permission - Erection of 3no. dwellings on land off, Anchor Lane, Ingoldmells.
9. To set budget for new auto fill water boiler.
Cllr Vincent advised the current boiler in leaking and unsafe. A quote for a new boiler was tabled at £203.98. It was resolved unanimously to purchase this boiler for the Royal Arthur Centre.
10. To set a budget for a new fridge-freezer for the kitchen in the Royal Arthur Centre.
Cllr Vincent advised the current fridge-freezer needs replacing. A quote for a fridge-freezer was tabled at £229.00. It was resolved unanimously to purchase this fridge-freezer for the Royal Arthur Centre. Cllr Stevens offered to take the old fridge-freezer away.
11. To consider a request from the Warm Hub Group to use the Royal Arthur Centre one evening per month for fund raising.
Cllr Vincent outlined the intention of the Warm Hub to carry on throughout the year as a well-being group for the community. It was resolved unanimously to continue to support the group.
12. To consider a new BT contract.
Information was provided to Councillors at the May meeting. The new contract would be £8 per month cheaper and with new phones. It was resolved unanimously to accept the new contract.
13. To consider a new photocopier for the office.
Councillors discussed the possibility purchasing a photocopier rather than agreeing to a new lease. It was resolved unanimously to purchase a photocopier for £350.00.
The meeting was suspended to allow for a report from East Lindsey District and Lincolnshire County Councillor Colin Davie. Cllr Davie reported a recent news item on the Sea Defences, which detailed that the Sea Defences were not in a great condition, however, the relevant bodies are researching a long-term solution to protect the coast. Cllr Davie is also meeting with the National Grid in July to discuss the large pylons planned to go across the Lincolnshire countryside that will bring power generated by offshore wind turbines.
Cllr Davie mentioned how residents in Lincolnshire are being underfunded by national government and is campaigning for fairer funding as well as better services for communities on the coast.
Councillors mentioned the wait times at the local doctor’s surgery not being good enough.
Cllr Sargent asked Cllr Davie for comment on the loss of the PCSO’s across Lincolnshire. Cllr Davie mentioned that funding was a huge problem for the Lincolnshire Police and is underfunded by national government - the lowest funded force in the UK.
Cllr Stevens asked for a donation of litter pickers to help keep the community clean. Cllr Davie recommended contacting the East Lindsey Pride team who will tackle problem areas. Contact Nicola Chadwick - nikki.chadwick@e-lindsey.gov.uk whose team will come to the area to tackle these issues.
Cllr Vincent mentioned that the traffic warden did not ticket vehicles parked outside the shops (near the Heron) on Sea Lane.
Cllr Brinkley asked for an update on the buses timetable. Cllr Davie advised he would continue contact the relevant people to highlight the issues.
14. To receive a report from the interim Clerk.
A report was issued to Councillors via email prior to the meeting.
15. To resolve to exclude the public and media to discuss confidential items relating to individuals and confidential financial matters in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960:
a. To consider staffing matters.
All confidential staffing matters were resolved unanimously.
With no further matters to discuss, the Chair of the Council closed the meeting at 8:00pm.